Saturday, December 30, 2006
Year 2006... A year never to be forgotten.... A year that changed my life.06A13:
I've never had a better class of wacky, fun and totally crazy people, every morning there'd be random commotion of all sorts of things. Guobin would almost always come in swearing somehow :P, Shum would always be the earliest, Shijia would start busying herself, Junhong will be sort of stoned... all the usual morning antics and conversation of our lively A13, never made any day boring in school. Even in lectures, there'd be golf matches :), message passing, random jokes that brightened up the day.
Still remember the memories from the 1st three months? The time where the school nearly sentenced A13 to separation. How we came together, to discuss petitions, strategies and all sorts of weird ideas to persuade them not to split up our class. There were tears on the day before they announced we would stay :) and i think that's how much we love our class. We even pranked Shum's birthday telling her that she had to split classes (kudos to Ry for the idea and Kar weng for the voice acting) :P. The amount of screaming heard on the day we were announced to stay, i think nearly broke the glass in the fish tank :P hahaha!

Our crazy class! Haha Jh, dun kill me! I posted your unglam photo but got mine oso ahhahahah!
There were no barriers between 2nd intake or 1st, we were just 13 as how 13 always is and always will be :) Sorry for the lack of photos tho :P
Next, really wanna acknowledge this band of brothers :P Da Kompany :D

I'm with this bunch of nutty people, coming up with lame jokes, "steaming" at every corner, eating tau huey breaks, going out to chill, laughing in auggie wong's lecture, playing golf in geog lect, they've been my buddies and it's weird coz we really only got to know each other this year. But we talk like, we've known each other for years haha, its just that their really worth my trust and they've stood by me all this time. One more year guys, let's hang in there and frenz forever really:)
Ares Dramafeste! Our class was heavily involved with tons of pple in chorale, cast and backstage. We even got SYF silver being chosen to represent HC :D All the late night practices left memories :D. It clashed with kenneth's and my birthday's and i remember, how we repeated our lines screaming into the central plaza! :D It was hard work, but reallie miss those times :)

Last but DEFINITELY not least, the family of Christ whom i've accepted on the 15th of April 2006, I'll NEVER forget the day i said yes to Jesus and came into a caregroup which has changed over the months but always been my strongest pillar and really part of my life. My life has been so much more exciting with this group of people, made of all sorts of wacky, insane, loud, quiet, weird, zany lovers of Jesus!! I'm at least equally crazy :P The times we prayed, played, grew and cheered together for our Lord and Saviour :), I'll never forget this group! I'll never forget how during the promos, we would clamour on the benches at the amphitheatre or in the inner plaza, mugging together and laughing at each other. Eating noodles, saying grace and singing with a guitar playing nearby! How the cards of encouragement really pushed me to go on, the listening ears of my shepherd and my caregroup mates touched my heart when i needed someone to listen. This group of people taught me how and what was faith in Christ and I'm glad to say that i grew! :D And now that i know Jesus even better, I wanna give even more back to Him.
I wanna highlight this HC group which HAS GROWN SO MUCH!!! I still rmbr when there were only Samuel, Leon, Robert, Ryan, me, Tracy, Fungmin, Yvonne, Suet yi,Xiang Yu Cheryl and Qin Yan, when i just came in. After that we grew!!! To 26 as we stand now! We prayed for growth, we reached out and we brought new faces until we reached this place where we stand. ENCOUNTER and BREAKTHROUGH, two camps saw lives changed, saw this group change and love Jesus even more. The memories are priceless! I love CE2!!! :D There's a much longer road for us to walk. We need to have more of the discussions on who to bring as we did this year, in the next year! Glory to Glory AMEN?! :D
I've gone from new believer who doubted, to somewhere where i know Christ is my refuge and my rock. From someone who just stood there during praise and worship, to someone who has learnt that hopping for joy isn't something dumb but something that comes from the heart, the expression of my joy and surrender for Jesus and all that He has given, despite everything we did not deserve. He has given me my dear sheep, in my longest buddy Eugene and He's given me so much joy in my life I can never thank Him enough! Lord, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!

In This year, Jesus has brought me back, turned my life around 180 degrees! He's given me a wonderful 2006 and memories to never forget. 2007 is coming and i just wanna bid 2006 a fond goodbye because its been a year i made so many wonderful frenz and came back to the family of Christ which has cared for me so much.
Miss Dacks, Longkee and the rest a lot this year coz we haven't been able to catch up a lot and I really wanna thank you guys for being my friends so many years. We've lasted so long and gone so far, let's catch up really soon!!
Wanna thank a few people,
- my shep for always meeting my needs and being so patient with me :),
- Tracy for beinging me back,
- Fellow shep for always listening, always encouraging and serving as an inspiration as a shep :D (haha we got to know each other better after all),
- My sheep, for being a great sheep and FRIEND ALL THESE YEARS,
- BOONIE, my fellow crazy Monkey in class who's been listening and laughing with me and being a really good friend:),
- Junhong for always being the buddy to turn to, the walk-walk partner, tempted-by-food partner, advisor,listener and friend :),
- Huiying, for being the sotong she is and being a listener during tough times :),
- Yongsheng and Leon for being mugging and playing partners, all the floorball, squash, basketball, wadeva sai and the maths test mugging session which saved my life, thanks bros :)
- Jx, for being my going home partner :P
- Yvonne, for being the crazy nutty self she is and always making pple high lol
- Kat, the lil roasted dump, for always being there to share and listen on how God touched our lives as well as my spiritual doubts at times. Thanks loads dumpy :D
- Sf. no 1! For always being SF!! :D Hahhaha Thank you so much for teaching me so much this year!
Well 2006 has been great... now this is the last post of the year and HELLO 2007!!!!
Do tag if you can hahahha