Friday, December 29, 2006

Faith is simple yet complicated. A paradox which even the best minds may not be able to grasp.

It is simply believing, yet not fanatical and mindless following. It is knowing, despite not being certain of what is to come. It is doing what you know is your role that He is set for you, and knowing that it's the best for you.

Man distrusts simply because of security.

But you've shown me that by laying my security on you, even if i fall from the highest mountain in the world, you'll make the ground soft, push the obstacles aside and catch me in your gentle arms.

In pain, your whisper will always be there. Saying go on, and giving the quiet assurance that you'll are there watching and going through whatever i am going through.

Its not simple to have faith.
But its worth having it.
In fact, we don't even deserve having this blessing.
But He died on that cross for us to have it.
Mercy is not getting what we deserve.
Grace is getting what we do not deserve.

Falcks on 7:26 PM