Friday, May 11, 2007
I walked home a different route today as i dropped one stop too far from my usual. It was just barely an hour ago as i clumsily stumbled off the bus, cluttered with various bags, sleepy and tired out from the tertiary talk.As i walked on the road back and passed by the playground just metres away from my block, I stopped at my tracks and looked up. Around me. Every flat. Some lighted, some dark. They all seemed like they were reaching for the sky, with a few small stars which are miracles to be seen in all-too-bright Singapore. I don't know why but the comforting silence simply showed me how wonderful God is and his dream for the world as well...
He created the beauty of the night, every tree, every blade of grass with precision and his beloved creation, the people and lives that were living in every single home. But when Jesus came down, He couldn't win the world. But he left his legacy in his ministry. In every single one of us.
I think back to Encounter when Daniel told Central of a scenario when we walk into an MRT station and everyone there was saved. And we could wave and say hi to every passing person because Hope gave them hope and love and so much more like this church has given me. Imagine how beautiful it would be.
It made me realise something as well.
hey people, 60, are we going or not?
Let's do our very best :)