Friday, April 27, 2007
Today i walked to a bakery near my house after taking a long bus ride home from school. Passing by the small old district, i simply stepped into the bakery and bought what i wanted. Then i crossed to the supermarket directly opposite to get a drink because i thought the bubble tea shop was closed next door, after a faint memory of seeing it closed a week ago. When i stepped out, i realised that the bubble tea shop right beside the bakery was open, which left me thinking, how in the heavens did i ever miss it? Maybe because i simply assumed that it wasn't open, or simply didn't bother to notice.Sometimes humans let assumptions take control and we don't stop to look, or pay any attention to things around us. We can cry heaven and cry Earth on how things are not going our way. But we never stop to notice the people who are right beside us trying to help us.
Sometimes we feel so frustrated, that we cry out our burdens thinking that no one hears them, our minds so scramed that its like a jumbled up room which just had a tornado pass through it.
But someone does. He's just waiting for you to notice and turn to Him.
When you finally do, He knocks and walks into your room. Humbly and silently, he straightens every picture on the wall, smooths every crease in every fabric and wipes off every speck of dust in it. With sunlight shining into the room of your heart, He smiles at the completion of His work.
We are liberated by His love. Filled by His light. Blessed by His joy.
It is finished.