Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Oct 10
Leaders lead an aquarium life. Responsibility is the thought which slapped me back to reality again. When you slip up, you let faults go and whoever is following you, sees it. I have a responsibility to do my best. God, truly truly, you are the only one holding onto whoever i am or used to be. Responsibility's call slapped me hard and it showed me the road back to You, for that I'm thankful.I just wanna run to East Coast Park and scream to the sea.
I've had an exhausting day. PW all the way till 2:30pm. GOOD JOB TO ALL MY PW MATES!! Tracy, Yeekai, Paula, Kenneth, reallie Thank God for you guys coz we finally cut our WR down to 2.9k words!! After that, went to see how Huiying and Leon were doing. We played a prank with Steph (ooops!) then i went off to the National Library. Saw Mr Tieu there marking physics papers. Did PW... managed to find two books and was sort of bored alone. So i photocopied stuff and went off early. Did i mention i got lost on my way to the National Library? I walked to Sim Lim and realised something was wrong. Then walked back and found the library. After that i left and got lost again! Then ended up at some place called shaw entertainment tower. When u thought 107 would lead me home, i took the opp direction and ended up in an ulu bus stop in the middle of nowhere. Then i took 70 which took me an hour to get home. In the end i reached home at 8, 2 hours later.
Totally exhausted.
Blessings today: I found the books! I got sleep on the bus! And i will read PDL.
God created all of us for a purpose. Not man creating God for his own purpose, but instead WE are the VESSELS for his purpose. No one can explain how things were just right that man can exist. God loved us so much and created us and cared over us. He gave His son for us and spared man from destruction in the deluge and all that thru the ages. Never once could i doubt.
1 John 4:8
" God is Love."