Friday, September 15, 2006
Sept 16th

Anniversary in a few hours time. its like 938am now...


Just was thinking about some stuff again just as i woke up. (Alright, i know someone always tells me not to think so much but bleargh=P) Haven't been close to my family in some time now... maybe its coz I was being selfish in studying out nearly all the time, coming home to either read some more notes, play the guitar or be in front of my comp. I only talk to my mum i realised and she's reallie being one of my greatest pillars of support. I can't say how lonely it feels sometimes, when you can't talk to nearly everyone at home coz you've hardly got anything to say and you've no one to relate to.... Bro's only 9 after all.

I'm so very worried about promos to tell the honest truth. I haven't reallie started to think of it. I hardly know anything. I reallie dun wanna get retained ever since i started struggling with schoolwork in sec 2, i've never reallie felt too confident about it. I've always kind of felt dat i'm at the bottom which is mostly true i guess. I'll try hard but i'm just worried about it... especially coz i haven't done well in ANY test for ANY subjects.

I've been quite lax and dry recently as well... everytime i want to spend more time in His prescence this urgent whiny voice in my head keeps saying, " PROMOS ARE COMING!! STUDY!" I feel so guilty and so torn. Impatience tests me a lot these days.

Everyone's been mugging reallie hard and i see the stress. Its the pre exam gloom which entwines itself and clings on which makes life more tiring... So JIAYOU EVERYONE!!!!

Its not time to play and all but laughter makes the day so much lighter.

My family in Christ is probably one of the only things which keeps me afloat now. yesterday's caregroup gave me one of the most relaxed moments in the past 3 weeks or so, I felt reallie refreshed and energised! :)

Ok, at this post's end, i will STRIKE OUT ALL THESE TROUBLES FROM MY MIND!

Because God gave me a new slate!
I will give myself a new lease!
Time to pia :)

Falcks on 6:43 PM