Sunday, October 01, 2006

Haven't updated in some time!

Its one day before maths! shucks...

Well two days till the end.

The geog paper was horrible arh:P I'm the last to blog about it but i was absolutely hysterical about it yea...

Well service yesterday was great. Self leadership meant a lot to me... it reminded me of my promise to Christ... What have i done? I ask myself so often. Now, I see the appropriate sacrifice... And what it truly means to live in Christ.

Happy 6th month to Fungg ahaha:P She suddenly said guess what day is today? We were all like... " err, children's day?" Yvonne drew her a birthday cake which was on the whole rather funny but somehow reminded me of our togetherness as a care group. Studied out with the CG which was very fun, especially out PC sessions with snapjack and bridge ahaha! I feel weirdly unworried but i know that i haven't practised enough.

Congrats yvonne on getting MAF EMCEE! You are our pride!!! Jiayou and we'll be there all the way with you!! :D

Looking forward to the end of promos!

Yea... Been sorting out my life recently. Other than studying, haven't been doing much. Rather than thinking, i would rather indulge myself in my music... to totally immerse myself in it... so that maybe i will think less, be less worrying. Like someone keeps telling me i think too much, i reallie think( oh crap...) dat i don't but as you can see i do.

I don't know what i'm living for sometimes but i know that I have Christ and i'm living for Him which is the least yet the most important thing of my life. With all my brothers and sisters in Christ, I really feel that i'm not alone on this road. I'm not the only one feeling overwhelmed with homework and feelings.

One very special sister i wanna thank is huiying my weird sotong-ish sister :P. For many many reasons :P

Well back to math!

God never abandons us, yet isn't it strange that people reject help when they need it the most? Well, its a question i'll keep in mind for life... :)

Falcks on 6:16 AM