Thursday, September 21, 2006
Sept 21st


Super exhausted! But i nearly finished remedial tutorial 9!

I'm home finally!!!!!! At 11:38pm and i'm blogging now :)

I want to count this HUGE blessing that God has given me!

Thank God for Fungmin, Yvonne and Jiexun!!!

If you guys are reading this, i can't say how much encouragement and relief it gave me after that afternoon... the canned up thoughts and discouragement, just released itself. Thank you for all the advice and listening ears! Thank you for offering the prayer! Its not lyk we don't appreciate it la :P You guys!!! JIAYOU for PROMOS! All of us are weary but we can walk this final stretch together!!!

Ever wondered how humans are changed by the world bit by bit. I remembered that when i was little more than 5, I told a small lie about taking a sweet out of the refrigerator. I still remember how bad i felt and the urge of needing to tell my parents about it. I fel i could possibly DIE of guilt x.x But now... we don't tell as much of the truth as possible and if best i think i hide a lot from people. Its not too good actually... hmmm... I guess its why we need God. To remember what it means to be upright, to learn what its like to be an innocent child again :)

Live a blameless life.

Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Falcks on 8:43 AM