Saturday, June 03, 2006
June 3rd!!!!
Rain down, Rain down...God's rain drenched me heavily today at service! After two weeks of the lack of Cgs and services due to me in Russia, I never noticed how much i truly missed Him. But when i stepped into service today, i felt the emotions rushing out of me like a flood. I was drenched by the Holy Spirit as I encountered Him. What touched me more was for all the days i was not here, not there for Him, when i came back here, God only welcomed me back as his child. I felt the guilt so bad... I wanted to just let my feelings out and I guess i did ^^
Pastor Jeff talked about revival today and i guess it was quite new to me. I felt its true. Everyone needs a revival because God poured his Holy Spirit to us, we are sinners who are less deserving should accept it. For His Grace has touched us all....
Finally, we had Baptism of the Spirit! And He touched me today!! I was just glad and excited and I just couldn't stop praying thanks to God and to all the care leaders and shepherd :P who helped me along. Daniel, Raphael, Xiang Yu, Jinqi, Tracee and of course Sam, my shepherd who never introduced himself as my shepherd -.- :P. Thank You for all you've done to help me along, Daniel who makes me feel comfortable with his concern for me :D, Raphael who comes to talk to me every now and then helping me along during service, Xiang Yu who is always cheerful :D, Jinqi who is always saying "HI!" and making things so lighthearted :D, Tracee, who brought me back and helped me along all these days :P:P, finally Sam(!) who has thought me more about the Lord with all his morning sms-es of messages from the Bible, all his concerned questions on how i'm coping with stuff and his care for how i am. I thank all my friends too who helped me along all these days.
Fungmin, Jiayou :D in God's Plan, you have it in you. It will come when the time is right so don't give up and stay strong :) You can do it! :D
Heh, I'm so touched by the greatness of God today and finally,