Saturday, May 20, 2006

Leaving for RUSSIA TODAY!!!!!! Excited but not yet pack sigh.... Well, I guess its time to say farewell!! See you in a week or something.

Some summaries of the week:

BBALL finals was amazing. Haha i saw ___ there, haven't seen her in ages... i guess when i saw her it reallie reminded me of how much i missed her and the rest of the bball gang. We were like close in P school days, but we drifted in secondary school. The memories i treasured can only be held silently in my heart, all the times that we laughed and cried together, it all persist and remains in my mind. We talked a lil and i'm still glad we can still get along quite well. Oh wells. Her same old boyish self :P

Went for service and was DRENCHED in God's rain. I love the feeling of warmth, of an unspeakable feeling. Its just quite.... undescribable. But i feel a lot better inside after service. Thank you for all the well wishes for my trip!!!! Thank you Lord for Blessing me with all i have....

Dance Night was quite spectacular. Junhong!!!! AHHHHHHH :P I still have photos of you being damn hyper LOL!!! AHAHHAHA!

Lastly, Bon Voyage to all those going abroad to OCIPs and Perak. May you all return safely. And to Fungg and Junhua: WE'RE LEAVING TODAY WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

Falcks on 8:01 PM