Thursday, February 02, 2006
February 2nd, Thursday

Hi... had a rather tiring day today although it was a non-training day. Got started with running ( ran with junhong,ken and jeriel:P) and found it was pretty fun running barefoot around the patch of grass inside chinese high track. The run made lit lecture feel like bedtime... sleeping after running always feels good have no idea why.

Been trying to recover from my injury and bout of flu. But the injury won't go away and the flu won't stop plaguing my lungs. I was fine.... until after the run which set me off coughing for i dunno what reason. Training's tmr... think i'll start light... but it just doesn't feel right.

Things have been bogging down recently. Velden is quitting for one... Seriously, he was the one who got all the J1s back to training and we came for the batch when we had seconds thoughts abt quitting as well. He was our capt. He was the one who was always working like hell even when he may not be the best. He worked and we cheered him on. He inspired us to train harder, made our lives more fun after harder trainings. Now he's gone. Things aren't the same. Now there are only 5 after all the tribulations. We lost so many and now we're down to 5. The feeling is indescribable... just feels a bit betrayed...

A lot of people are having their down times recently. I noticed in all the little ways... but i didn't really dare to approach them for certain reasons:(. I hope i can help in some way... but i just dunno how.... I feel so helpless sometimes. So lost. I know i'm not really the person people talk to, I dun think i seem very dependable to people, so i dun really know how to help. But i hope to all those people, recover from this sad lil mood soon and come back lively!! I pray for all your troubles to go away :)

I haven't had the best of times myself. I've been thinking of the old me, the "me" in secondary school and the "me" now. I find that now i love to be hyper, to be laughing, to be smiling, to be listening, to make people laugh (although i fail a lot of the time). Who am I? I sometimes ask that. I try not to try as Eugene once told me, " Don't try too much, coz it doesn't help. Just be yourself." I'll try dat :P Hope I can always stay hyper and happy to brighten up people's moods!

Anyone who can tell me what i can do to brighten up their day, feel free to tell me!!! I'll be very glad to help. I hope everyone can put away their troubles and have fun along with all of us.

Chorale today was fun! We did cool stuff which you guys will get to see (:P Hc pplz watch DRAMAFESTE!). Ares pplz who read this. We are short of pple in chorale do come and join:P Junhong always makes me laugh :P in fact he can make everyone laugh which makes him pretty popular :D:D yes buddy you are!:P He, jeriel and kenneth has made more than one of my days sunny ones. You guys just make my day :P

Anyway, got hw piling up! LOL, post soon. Matta ne!

Falcks on 3:57 AM