Monday, January 29, 2007

Sometimes its weird how I'm reminded of how dumb my thoughts can be. I simply can shrug them off with a smile coz he shows me a way.

Econs test was cool... but i think my answer was quite weird at some parts. Because farmers consume their own food -.- dunno wad i writing larh. But i think the pirated VCD comment on some scripts should be quite hilarious :P on the whole i thought the essay was one essay i EVEr knew what i was writing.

Maths peer tutoring has started. My peer tutor seems alright :) Time to mug hard.

Sometimes when your just disappointed, you remember that someone was disappointed by you too. Why blame anyone for anything wrong in your life? In the end, its always how you look at it which counts. If we take it with Him in our eyes, even in tough times, we'll still be carried through safely and happily.

Falcks on 6:21 AM