Saturday, January 14, 2006
Falck's blog has been revived after about a year of inactivity :P! haha its been that long and life is a lot different...I am a lot different too.... Been trying to get what's important to me and what's not sorted out.
It's a new year! A new school! New classmates! But still there are so many things to sort out in my mind before I can truly understand what i can and cannot do.
I'm counting all my lucky stars this year because i have such a great class! 06A13 rox! We put up a reallie, reallie fun item for campfire:P (tho we didn't make it but it still was fun!), Our banner was reallie cool. (all due credits goes to our AEP pple
Last night's Campfire was the biggest party ever! Everyone was so high! I remember our class chanting A13 wherever we went, running around the central plaza while pple were singing :D it was darn fun. Cheering added to the spirit and mass dance was chaotic but so kewl, looking at everyone just dance (anyhow most of the time :P!)while losing your own dancesteps in the end. It was an unforgettable nite... After that, the senoirs brought us to Serene Centre where we were supposed to get a place in mac's but of course the place was full. So we sat inside the main lobby for a while before they decided to go to the Botanics to sit for a while. Once we sat down, the senoior guys started telling ghost stories, which freaked everyone out... lol. We only sat there for like 10-15 minutes when everyone decided that it was errr... better to go home. On the way to the entrance, everyone was rather jumpy coz when a gust of cold wind blew past, the girls screamed and everyone got a big shock! :P After which we made a hasty exit :P ( Quoting Chin Yuan. " Wa kao damn scary leh, can you imagine the ghost running liddat?!" To those who know what i mean :P)
This year has had a good beginning. On the 14th of Feb (or around there) the results for O's are coming out and i reallie pray for EVERYONE in 06A13 to stay at HC and in our class! We've bonded so well and i don't want anybody to leave again :( Good Luck!!!!! A13 4eva :D
Wishes for this year:
1. Do well for promos!
2. Judo Champions!!!
3. ARES will win the champions shield!!!
4. 06A13 stay together:D!
5. My family to be safe!
6. May nothing screw up badly:D:D:D ( i know its fei4 hua4 but still must say :D!)
Haha! its a long starting post but here's the start of a new experience!