Monday, July 16, 2007

Everyone enjoys fireworks, the brilliant burst of energy surging in the air.
Everyone sees the beauty in the sakura, a pink flower which blossoms beautifully.

But hardly anyone sees the beauty in a candle, a single unwavering flame.

Fireworks are just for a moment, sparked off beautifully for only for that moment. It doesn't sustain, it just gives and dies away. The steady flame of a candle, tho ordinary is unwavering. The golden flame simply burns and is a light to all those in the dark. It doesn't waver but acts as a guide in a dark room. That is the simple beauty of a candle.

Its exactly the same as how we live for God. We can all burst out in excitement and die off after a while, start having all the old insecurities, the old thots and complaints and totally miss the point. We start to forget way too easily of how far we've come, but that's only human. But the good thing about humans is that they can choose. They can see their mistakes and once again resume the race or they can just give up and die off.

Fireworks for a moment. A candle unwavering for hours.

I would rather be the candle.
I would rather finish the race than to regret not running it.

50 years later do you want to regret not getting on the car?

School and cca... both of which are getting extremely stressful and tiring. I've been barely awake during some lessons, just struggling to retain an amount of energy to last the day. Mugging has been slotted into random spare times. Not to mention an increasing need to practice the piano which sees an exam coming up on the 27th of august. Life isn't too fantastic if you ask me. But then again he always has a penchant of being a tad too troublesome.

But in all things there are the little joys to put my heart into. Like i heard a story the other day by my math lecturer ironically haha :P, there is a silver lining to every cloud. If you come back with failures, you can tell your dad, hey your son didn't cheat. Funny tho it may be, the inherent value when seen from another perspective is there more than ever.

There is a silver lining in every cloud. For my case the lining seems to be God-shaped. Everytime i fall, i don't feel despair, instead i feel comfort and motivation. Everytime i struggle, I hold on to that joy that is given so freely to me. Everytime i go through a bad day, i know at the back of my mind that i always have people to turn to, my beloved second family :). Every week has its bright spots, it just takes a trained eye to see them.

Like i learnt from the book, " Life you've always wanted", the question is always are you willing to "turn aside" to notice? To see the prescence of another by your side? To see the bright side?

Its never easy no doubt, but the results may be more rewarding than you may have ever thought.
Just a view from the playground :)
Streaking across the sky...

Falcks on 6:11 AM