Thursday, November 23, 2006

Music... is a beautiful language. It can describe everything in the world... a song stirs uncountable emotions haha sometimes i think it paints much more than a picture :)

I remember the times i used to fall over and beat myself up, every single day, every hour, every second of my life because of all the small trivial and superficial things in life. But when i came to know His love, it changed :) Thank You for all You've done and for changing my life.

Stumbling over so many different things, it hurts and you may complain about it all, but someday we'll get over it. I was tripping, falling and hurting myself, now i still am though lesser because i've seen through it. Someday i'll get to that goal.

I thought it'd be okay. But it seems like everything needs to start from scratch again. I look at the past and sigh, but i'd never regretted taking that path and going through all this. I still would have taken the same path because it meant a lot to me. God, may your will be done. This path i entrust to You, although i wish it would end ok, but i will never know your Plan so lead me down and let me slowly notice it for i trust in You :)

Work harder.

I miss that past but it is no longer here, so i can only look forward...

Falcks on 2:14 AM