Friday, July 07, 2006
July the seventh
Everything is so heavy.Today when i went to training and Hin wrote 5 on the board in our huge sign. I realised something was really wrong with me. I realised the proximity of Nationals looming up ahead. It really made me so very guilty and angry for falling sick on wednesday.... I was so nervous during training today... because i worried whether i could do it, whether i would let my team down, whether i would let myself down. I know Carl felt the heat too... Every year at this period of time, the entire club is reallie tense because of just one competition. I'm exactly good like all my teammates are, all i do is to try my best and give it my best shot. I'm longing for that GOLD MEDAL... I've longed for it so bad.... For all our years, we haven't touched it and i reallie WANT it.... Its not JUST a medal... its the meaning behind the medal. To be known and say that HC are the champs. Every year we say and shout that we work for it and we want it so bad. I guess its time to do it. One more CHANCE.
Twice denied. One more chance we are given.
All the sacrifices... just for one more chance.
I don't want tears to come again...
Tomorrow is a service day.
One more training. To push myself before the 12th.
5 Days Left... exactly 122 hours more...